Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nothing Changes but the Seasons

Thought y'all might find this old newspaper clipping of interest. The Pendleton Times is still in publication and still has news items like this in it. I find these old ones amusing.

Bland Hills 1930's, about the time of this was written.

The Pendleton Times
10 February 1933
North Fork News

Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Simmons and Brooks Calhoun made a business trip to Crabbottom selling radios, Delco-lights, punch boards, etc.

Born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest G. Lantz a six pound daughter.

David Cunningham, of Job, is visiting friends in Circleville. Mr. Cunningham and Okey Day were discussing the trend of the times, Mr. Cunningham claiming they were growing worse. Mr. Day argued to the contrary. To prove his point he exhibited one of Stark's Golden Delicious apples, but the wheels of depression had bruised and mangled it and it didn't look natural.

The Ladies Aid of Circleville was at Harman Saturday night and gave a play. This society works harmoniously together and is doing good work among the citizens of Circleville.

Frank Nelson, a man of ninety-three years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. P.H. Kisamore, near Riverton, Monday. He could read without using glasses. Jacob Harman, an aged man of the same neighborhood, died Saturday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Warner last week, twin daughters. They lived only a few hours.

A negro member of the convict gang working on Elk Mountain road was killed by a flying stone last week when a large blast was set-off. Also, the blacksmith went mad and was preparing to kill some of the workers. The boss felled him with a blow and handcuffed him and sent him back to the penitentary at Moundsville.

Sunday was the worst day we have had this winter. The mercury was down to zero. The wind blew a gale that tore down trees, toppled over haystacks and unroofed houses.

Jenifer Mullenax and Boyd Harper took a load of cattle to the Baltimore market Monday.

Luther Hammer has returned from Baltimore and reports the market low on stock. Fairly good cows sell $8 a head. At a sheriffs sale in Bath County, VA good cows averaged $9 a head and good yearling cattle were sold at $3.50 a head.

"Buzz" Warner, of Hunting Ground, caught a large catamount and brought it to Circleville alive. He sold it to C.A. Warner to put in his menagerie. He had twelve coons and nine police dogs in his collection.

We believe President Allen of Davis and Elkins College was right in saying there are too many teachers in West Virginia. The wise man Solomon said that of the making of books there was no end and too much study was a weariness to the flesh. This wise man knew what he was talking about.


  1. I enjoyed this look into the past. Wow! The place looks nearly identical to the past. Thanks for sharing!

  2. My how times have changed-not all for the better!

  3. Sad part is, I think we're related to everybody in that write-up.

    And Shirl's right - only the trees in the picture have gotten older.
