Monday, October 27, 2008

An Award

Today, this blog received a Fabulous Fall Decor Award given by Marie, the Tile Lady over at the "A Colorful World" blog. I'm just tickled pink that someone likes this blog enough to think of it when they are giving out awards. That means a lot to me.

When I first started this blog a few months ago, I had the hope that folks out there would find my stories of interest. I really didn't know what to expect, I had never written anything before, but everyone I talked to kept saying they loved my stories. Finally, one day after reading the Granny Sue's News & Reviews blog, I was inspired to start my own blog. Since that time, I've met many good people out there in cyberland, and I treasure each and every one of you. I especially appreciate those of you who make regular stops by this blog to sit a spell and to chew the fat with me. I've learned a lot about myself too, while blogging with y'all. I've discovered that I like poetry...reading it, writing it...I never would have guessed it.

I always like to see how different folks react to my stories, your comments and feedback really give me a reason to continue this blog. Like a conversation with an old friend, you never know what may come up in conversation. Countless are the times a comment of left on here has triggered another story that was buried in the recesses of my mind.

If I were to choose a few blogs that I'd like to receive this award (as I'm told is the custom when you receive this award), I'd be hard to narrow it down. So many of y'all out there are just so darn good at this blogging thing. I reckon if I had to here's who & why I would give this award:

1- Granny Sue's News & Reviews--This blog started it all for me. The Granny always has something cookin' over at The Review. You just gotta love the Granny.

2-Chickens in the Road--I just find this blog hilarious. Read about how Clover the Goat seems to stay aloof of the petty squabbles (most of which are caused by Clover) on Suzanne's farmstead. It get's pretty funny, especially when Clover is forced to wear a bonnet.

3-The Blind Pig & The Acorn--This absolutely fantastic blog is complete with mountain music, life and family and it is a daily destination for me. Stop by and become one of Tipper's acorns.

4-Writing In The Blackberry Patch--Even the name of this blog conjures up visions of a summer afternoon in the berry patch. Janet always has something interesting on this blog. Also a daily favorite of mine.

5-From the Mind of Jason--Kind of obligated with this one, it is my brother's blog. Can you sense the sibling rivalry? (laughs). Seriously though, Jason does a really good job with this blog, and I like seeing his take on many of the same memories that I have. Jason just bought a house so he's been occupied elsewhere recently, but there are many stories on his blog that you all may like.

So Thank You, The Tile Lady, for giving me this award. I'll do my best to keep this blog new and fresh, and to conjure up unique visions of lifestyles in Appalachia.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Matthew! Awards are nice, but especially so coming from friends.

    I loved the Snallygaster story. What a legend. I would really like to know what happened to the creature they dug up. It kind of sounds like a possum to me, but there are a few differences.
