Saturday, November 22, 2008

Off to the Mountain

Just a quick post to let you all know that there will be no posts for the next week or so. I am off to the mountain tomorrow. I'll be traipsing over the hills of home, tracking down new stories and hunting my muse.

I'll let you all know about my trip when I get back. I wish you all have a great Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends.


  1. Have fun and Happy Thanksgiving, we'll miss you.

  2. Oh, have a glorious time, Matthew and Shirley! I can't wait to read about your trip. Give Jason a hug for me if he's there too.

  3. When you get back, would you please send me an email so that I can ask you some questions about Appalachian-style parenting? I'll bet you can find someone there to answer them. Thank you much.

    You'll be credited in my book.

  4. hurry home; we want to read more entries!
