Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Memories on the Mountain

Thanks to my brother Jason, some Christmas photo's are finally starting to come my way. I was able to view the photo's that I took but I can't load them to my computer. I did go and look at new digital camera's this past weekend, but the one I wanted wasn't in stock anywhere that we went. I know I want a Kodak Easyshare C913, and since I've already made up my mind on that, I won't even look at anything else even though there are camera's out there that are probably better and less expensive, but my mind is set so they aint no use in trying to get me to buy anything else (as Shirley can exasperatingly attest). Anyway, you can see a glimpse of how Christmas on the Mountain went this year.

The Burns family Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Shirley had already made her rounds, shook every present that she had under the tree and hypothesized what she may be getting the next morning after she took her annual beating from Der Belsnickel! Probably the best (and most surprising) gift Shirley received was a CD containing over 700 episodes of Fibber McGee and Molly, the old-time radio show. Shirley loves Fibber McGee and Molly.

After everyone opens their gifts, it has become tradition for everyone to pile all the gift wrap and (much to the chagrin of Shirley) boxes on top of her. We then take Christmas Shirl photos of her. Why do we do this? Besides it being great fun, well...we are bigger than her!!

Knowing how I am and how easily I get wound up in things, why someone would get me chinese finger traps is beyond me. They were a big hit though. After the finger traps got me excitable, I opened...

a huge jar of hot sausages and a box of saltine crackers. What you see here is me hissing at Jason. I thought he was going to try to get some hot sausages out of me. I told you the finger traps made me excited!!! I got even worse though, after a few moments of salivating over the pickled goodness in the half-gallon jar, Christmas morning took a dive to a new low...Matthew pretending to be Carmen Miranda....

Okay, a demented Carmen Miranda, but Carmen Miranda never-the-less. I'd have got up and done a little dance, but we all know I'm far too lazy to do that.

Later, after the gifts were opened, we settled down for a snack before we ate dinner. Here Jason set his biscuit and jelly in the kitchen windowsill. It made a pretty sight.

Fast forwarding a bit, evening found its way to the mountain. The sky was beautiful and cast a warm feeling over Spruce Knob in the distance.

The purple sky appeared just as the mountain evening gave way to darkness.

Another Christmas had come and gone on the mountain.


  1. So glad you and Shirley had a wonderful Christmas!

    And I loved your "Year In Review" seems like you guys had a very exciting year!

  2. Great photos, Matthew. The last one is just perfect. My camera doesn't "see" stars for some reason. Or maybe the problem is the operator.

    My favorite, though, is Shirley under the giftwrap!
