Below is the news from back home, only it is from 1918. The community where I am from has went through several different names. The first name of the area was Buffalo Bottom, due to the abundance of woods bison in the area. Now the name would only apply to some of my Aunts (That was bad, I know). After the buffalo were extirpated it ddin't seem like Buffalo Bottom was such a good name so the area became known as North Fork Hills. Since that name was confusing because there were hills all over the North Fork Valley, the name progressed into the community of Box. People didn't like living in a Box so the area started being referred to as Bland Hills, but as Bland Hills became more populated, our end of Bland Hills became the community of Hopewell. A few years later, Hopewell was given the name of Monkeytown by my great-grandfather, Don Burns due to all of the children hanging out of the windows of the houses. It seems that the name Monkeytown stuck, at least for the past 80 years or so, and most people still know and refer it by that name. However, to add to the confusion we do get our mail in Riverton (7 miles away), vote in Circleville (8 miles away), and are listed in the county newspaper as Hopewell (though nobody calls our area Hopewell anymore). So, who knows exactly where I'm from, the only thing I am sure of is I didn't come here and I ain't leaving. My granddaddy used to say that.
The Pendleton Times
Friday, December 20, 1918
Box News
The health of this section is very good now.
The Hopewell school has begun with an enrollment of about thirty-five scholars. Mr. Biby is the teacher.
A.C. Thompson has moved to Osceola, a cold country.
C.J. Landis, the photo man, has quit farming and gone into the picture business again.
Miss. Mucie Burns has gone to the wild western country to teach school. We wish her a successful term.
Charlie Burns was hauling hay from W.D. Simmons’ one day last week.
Don Burns has purchased a horse of Erving Hinkle & Bros. He says he can go see his girl now.
News reached us that Virgil Hinkle while in Franklin Thursday was arrested because of failing to register on Sept. 12, and will be court-martialed at Parkersburg.
Don Bland has gone to the lumber camp to work for awhile.
Fred Lambert was a recent visitor at the home of Harness Teter at Osceola.
God hath made of one blood all nations of men, and we are his children, brothers and sisters all. We are citizens of the United States and we believe our flag stands for self-sacrifice for the good of all the people. We want therefore to be true citizens of our great country and will show our love for her by our works. Our country does not ask us to die for her welfare, she asks us to live for her, and so to live and so to act that her government may be pure her officers of her territory shall be a place fit to grow the best men and women who shall rule over her.—A Bland Hills wife
Some Good Things
22 hours ago
1 comment:
I love reading old newspaper articles. They told everything down to the littlest detail. It's fun when you can find your ancestor's names in the articles.
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