Friday, February 20, 2009

March Awaits

Photo courtesy of Adam L. Cox.

March Awaits
by Matthew Burns, 2009

March awaits just over the horizon
So close but still a world away,
While I sit despondent in the bleakness
Of the land that time forgot.

Promises wear thin
As the wolf beats on the door,
And the dark February winter yields
Little hope for a brighter day.

I look to the past
With its silver bells and festive garments,
Now musty, dusty and old
And ponder their futility.

Signs point
To a new day dawning,
Though they remain barely discernible
As March awaits just over the horizon.


  1. Good Lord that's depressing! And at a time when we have so much good stuff -- and hope -- going on.

  2. I love that photo and your poem; thanks for sharing.
