Friday, March 6, 2009

A Wish List?

Today I thought I'd post the appraisal bill for the estate of my 5th-great grandfather Joseph Bennett. For many of us, the items on this appraisal will read like a wish list. Do any of you see anything that you would like to have from this appraisal?

While these prices look good by today's standard, keep in mind that it would take approximately $18.06 in today's money to equal One dollar in 1810, according to Measuring Worth website.

Pendleton County Will Book 3, page 104
Praise Bill of Joseph Bennett Deceased Estate
August the 30th 1810

  • Pewter and Tin Ware and ladles-$10.00
  • One tea kettle, thirteen coolers and two buckets-$4.25
  • Two ovens, one skillet, one watering pot, one flat iron, one pot, one box iron-$6.00
  • One set fire dogs, two pot trammels on shovel and tongs and bellows-$4.00
  • One pair Steely and four sifters-$2.50
  • One Daepser-$2.50
  • One pepper mill and Ten ware-$2.16
  • One corner cupboard-$9.00
  • Twenty four pounds woolen yarn-$10.00
  • Two Spinning wheels and four spools-$2.00
  • Two Tables-$2.75
  • Eight Chairs-$2.00
  • Fifteen forks and six knives two bones-$1.00
  • One Looking Glass-$2.50
  • Six Books-$1.66
  • Two pieces Sole Leather and two of upper Leather-$4.00
  • Two hackles, three boxes shoemakers tools and sawdries-$3.00
  • Five planes, one window sash and Brimstone-$1.75
  • One Bed and Bed Stead-$12.00
  • One ditto-ditto-$13.00
  • Ditto-ditto-$7.00
  • One Trunk and Chest-$2.00
  • One wool wheel and reel, two pair of wool cards-$2.00
  • Two chairs and one basket-$0.50
  • Seven Gums and two tubs-$2.00
  • Loom and utensils belonging to it-$14.00
  • One set smith tools, bucket and cooler-$30.00
  • Three Grind Stones and hand mill-$4.50
  • Three kettles and one oven and lid-$14.00
  • Three Churns-$1.50
  • Three Kegs-$1.00
  • Three barrels and a tub and one can-$5.00
  • One bucket and two pickling pots-$2.75
  • One spinning wheel and spool-$1.50
  • One frying pan-$1.25
  • One pot, shovel and Jointer-$3.25
  • Carpenter tools of different kinds-$8.00
  • Two narrow axes, one broad axe, one iron wedge-$2.00
  • One saddle and saddle bags, two half bushels, one drawing knife and one conch shell-$4.00
  • One set of gears and three bridles and one curry comb-$6.50
  • Two tubs, one grubbing hoe, two weeding hoes and one bell-$2.75
  • One side saddle-$3.00
  • One plough and singletrees, two pair plough irons, one coal rake and a sithe-$10.50
  • Shovel plough, log chain and sled-$6.16
  • One waggon and hay lathers-$40.00
  • One iron tooth harrow-$4.75
  • Ten bee stands-$9.00
  • One Still and cap and worm-$80.00
  • One Still and cap and worm and stove plate-$25.00
  • Thirteen Still Tubs, three kegs and a barrel-$15.25
  • Two pigons, one hammer and trowel-$0.75
  • Apple Mill and Cider Press-$2.75
  • One Wolf Trap-$3.50
  • Sixteen head of hogs-$19.50
  • Twenty two geese-$9.16
  • Eleven head of sheep-$21.00
  • One Sorrel Horse-$12.00
  • One black colt with white feet-$10.00
  • One brown two year old colt-$25.00
  • One bay mare and colt-$40.00
  • One old brown horse-$25.00
  • Three heifers and two steers-$24.00
  • Two calves with mottled faces-$3.00
  • One Wind Mill-$16.67
  • Three Cows-$34.00
  • Two pied steers-$24.00
  • Two pied cows-$19.00
  • Four heifers, two black ones and two red & white ones-$23.50
  • Two bottles, one wheat Riddle & one Sickle, three bags, one gum, one pair sheep shears-$4.00
  • One hundred weight of broke flax, two sheep skins, one hog skin-$7.00
  • Two Bells & Collars and Sun dial-$1.25
Total $724.01 (this would be $13,077.31 in todays money).

We assert this within praisement bill to be a true bill & Inventory of Joseph Bennett, deceased, Estate. August the 31st 1810
Signed. Johnson Phares, Henry Bland, Geo. Henkle
At a court held for Pendleton County the 4th day of September 1810 This Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Joseph Bennett. Dec, was returned to court and ordered to be recorded.Teste, L. Dyer C.P.C.
So tell the truth, just how much of this stuff do you wish you had? I want it all!


  1. Now that list will make you think! What a different time-makes you wonder if thats what we are headed back too.

  2. They were quite well off for the time period. I think I'll take one of each, too.

  3. Dee from Tennessee

    I LOVE the old corner cupboards, esp. those with solid doors. And if they have windows/lights, I like the 16 pane. Hmmmm.....Wonder what kind of wood this one was..., walnut, cherry, poplar???? Who made it? Did it have a drawer(s) between the bottom and top....see what corner cupboards do to me??? Did it have a cornice..what kind of feet? Love them!

  4. Dee,
    My great so many granddaddy Bennett was a wood worker, he apparently was very good, there are still stories around about things he made. He made most of his furniture out of cherry. The area he lived in is now known as Cherry Grove. As for what stuff looked like, we can only guess. I have seen a few items that he made, completely by hand, and it is very nice stuff. I'm sure all of the furniture listed in the inventory was hand made by him.

  5. Dee from Tennessee

    How fortunate you are to know this about your gr...granddaddy! I'm always "a-ponderin" about old handmade furniture. Don't even get me started on children's chairs! And cherry wood is, hands down, my hubs and mine favorite. Too pricey for us, but we admire it so.

  6. Dee,
    Yes I am indeed lucky to know all these stories about my family of generations past. I suppose my family talk about them because we have nothing else to talk about.

    As far as chairs, I don't know if it'll make you salivate or anything, I made handmade split bottomed chairs. I got the design and instruction from my great-grandfather. I haven't made any for a couple of years, but at one time I was quite good at it. I did everything by hand, including searching for just the right tree, stripping the bark using a drawknife, and cutting lengths of it into splits. I've made chairs out of hickory, ash and elm. I love the color of the ash but probably prefer hickory to any of it.

    I'll have to make some soon, and some baskets, and make a post about it.


  7. One of those chairs was a gift to me when we were dating. He also made me a gorgeous basket. Just beautiful!

  8. Yep, I'd love to have it all! What a wonderful treasure trove it would be now!
