Wednesday, May 6, 2009


For today's post, I am going to tell readers of my mother-in-law, Cora (McKinney) Stewart. The best way to do this is to post the song lyrics of "Song for a Miner's Wife", which was written specifically about Cora by her daughter Shirley. The song can be found on Shirley's upcoming CD, "Been to the Mountaintop".
Song for a Miner’s Wife (Ode to my Mother)
by Shirley Stewart Burns

I came to this valley 40 years ago.
A young miner’s bride to have and to hold.

I was barely 16, and so scared was I
to leave mommy and Daddy and my family behind.

It’s a lonely life
to be a miner’s wife.
Such a lonely life, to have and to hold

I soon settled into my daily routine.
Neely went to the mine, and I cooked and cleaned.
Three children we had, a girl and two boys
our lives they were filled with comfort and joy.

It’s a lonely life
to be a miner’s wife.
Such a lonely life, to have and to hold

I prayed for my Neely as he went to the mine.
And I prayed that my boys never would find.
That they had not a choice but to go underground,
With death and destruction looming all around.

It’s a lonely life
to be a miner’s wife.
Such a lonely life, to have and to hold

I watched as my Neely gasped for his breath.
His lungs were infested, the pain in his chest.
“We’ll grow old together,” he told me once.
But the mining did kill him, dead at 51.

It’s a lonely life
to be a miner’s wife.
Such a lonely life, to have and to hold.

The years quickly passed and my children are grown.
Mostly out of this valley, out on their own.
I think back in time to my young handsome groom,
All alone with my thoughts in this quiet bedroom.

It’s a lonely life
to be a miner’s wife.
Such a lonely life, to have and to hold

© Shirley L. Stewart, 2000


  1. It's beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time--and even more so when Shirley's singing it.

  2. enjoyed this post...make me think of my husband's kin folk in se kentucky.

  3. Shirley is so talented-writing the song-and she sings it truly from her soul. I loved the pictures they just made the song even more special.

  4. Thanks for the compliments, y'all. --blush -- Not that my mama's life is all sad. This song just represents one very real aspect of it.
