Monday, October 19, 2009

The First Snow

Though every year it comes back anew,
And wears out its welcome all too soon.

Something magical begins to take place
That rekindles memories across time and across space.

There's nothing like it so far as I know,
That wondrous sight of the very first snow!


Special thanks to Cousin Heather for sharing these photo's with us.


  1. ahhh...the first snow has already arrived, my gosh. we had frost this morning. hope it's not indicative of a long, cold winter ahead.

  2. Still waiting on ours and I'm not in a hurry for it. We've had two hard frosts so far. I want a little more of fall before winter sets in.

  3. Thanks for posting those Matthew -- I miss the snow and cold weather so much (yes, I guess you think I am insane). As I told someone the other day, eventually blue cloudless skies get boring as well. Some rain would be nice -- has been at least 5 months since we had a drop.
