Friday, January 8, 2010

Wintertime Realization

Germany Valley, Pendleton County, WV. Photo courtesy of R. Jason Burns.

"These Dark & Dreary Days"
by Matthew Burns

These dark, dreary days of winter,
Press down upon my soul,
And leach the life from me,
Like a succubus in the night.

Once I was like a seed in the ground,
Waiting, germinating, hopeful.
But the bitter, lifeless days have surrounded me.
And cloaked me with their siphoning darkness.

The light on my path is extinguished.
I realize now with maudlin clarity,
It was these dark, dreary days of winter,
That incubated my soul.


  1. Nice picture and poem, Matthew. (You made me get out my dictionary)

  2. Dark and dreary thoughts indeed, Matthew! I see the brightness of the snow, the clarity of black and white silhouettes of trees and the surprising color of the birds. Isn't it funny how two people see the same thing, yet see it differently? You carry the sense of darkness and depression throughout the poem--somber, yes, but well written.

  3. Kinda what I'm feeling today too. Love the photo and the poem.
