Recently I was tagged by Granny Sue to tell six completely random things about me. If I was following the rules (which I never do), I would then tag six other people to complete this. However, most of the blogs I read have already done this so I thought I would complete a similar “quiz” that is making its rounds on email but would work here as well. It is called “Take 5” so here goes…
List 5 Places That You Have Lived:
1. Monkeytown, WV
2. Riverton, WV
3. Keyser, WV
4. Morgantown, WV
5. Charleston, WV
List 5 Places You Would Like To Live:
1. In a Earth House
2. Blowing Rock, NC
3. Lewisburg, WV
4. Granny Sue & Larry’s Farm
5. The Texas Hill Country
List 5 Everyday Things That You Do For Fun:
1. Check Email/Read Blogs
2. Write on my Blog
3. Call my Mother
4. Cook
5. Work on my Family Tree
List 5 Random Things About You:
1. My middle name, Henry, has been in my family for 4 generations.
2. I am a direct descendant of Martin Luther, the Great Protestant Reformer.
3. I like reading and writing poetry.
4. I grew up on a 575 acre farm.
5. I believe in goblins, trolls, wood nymphs, fairies, leprechauns, little people, etc.
List Your 5 Favorite Holidays (In order of preference)
1. The 4th of July
2. Christmas
3. Thanksgiving
4. National Pig Day
5. Halloween
List 5 Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1. Own a Farm
2. Have Kids
3. Travel the American West
4. Visit Germany
5. Learn to make really good sourdough bread.
List Your 5 Most Favorite Books Of All Time:
1. Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
2. Roadkill by Kinky Friedman
3. That Dark and Bloody River by Allan Eckert
4. Our Animal Friends at Maple Hill Farm by Alice & Martin Provensen
5. The Berrybender Narratives (4 books) by Larry McMurtry
6. Bringing Down the Mountains by Shirley Stewart Burns
List 5 People (dead or alive) That You’d Like To Meet:
1. My great-great-grandparents Alfred & Attie Kile
2. Willie Nelson
3. Chief Cornstalk
4. My 3-great grandfather, George Burns
5. Andrew Jackson
List Your 5 Favorite Foods:
1. Chicken Tikki Masala
2. Shahi Paneer Masala
3. Lasagna
4. Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup w/ sourdough bread
5. Fried Beef Chimichanga’s
Some Good Things
12 hours ago
That's interesting, Matthew. Henry is a family name in my tree, too. My grgr and grgrgrgrandpa McMillion were Henrys.And I would also love to meet some of my ancestors, especially my Grandpa McMillion who died 6 months before I was born.
Great lists, Matthew! It was fun learning these things about you!
Since you've lived there, I'm hoping you can answer this question for me: Where exactly is Monkeytown? I understand its east of Judy Gap but west of North Fork Mountain. Is it along US 33 or off one of the side roads? I'm working on updating the Wikipedia article on Monkeytown and trying to get some additional details.
Monkeytown is on Route 33. It is on the west side of North Mountain and is the first community you come to. The middle of Monkeytown is intersected with Bland Hills Road. It is about 3 miles up the mountain from Judy Gap, and 10 miles west of Franklin.
You can also find a full post about Monkeytown on this blog that may help you as well.
Thanks, Matthew.
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